First time experience having a tee off in the heart of dubai at Emirates Golf Club in the middle of desert with morning temperature around 33-35 deg C (hampir sama kaya di indo). The first grass golf course in the middle east, before that people played in sand
. The Emirates Golf Club is the king of the greens in the Middle East. 36 holes of the world class golf, host to the PGA European Tour’s Dubai Desert Classic and Dubai Ladies Masters.

Kalo teman2 terbiasa dimanjakan dengan caddy kalo di indo, kalo disini don't even think about it, semua serba self service gan, everythings you do it on your own, nyetir golf cart sendir, ambil bola sendiri, ambil stick sendiri, ngitung distance sendiri (pake bantuan gps yg ada di golf cart), semuanya sendiri pokoknya. Lesson learn harus banyak bersyukur kalo di negeri sendiri, "nikmat tuhan manalagi yg hendak engkau dustakan"

- Donny M Siradj, Emirates Golf Club - Dubai, Oct 2018 -
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